Pack the Perfect Teen Disney Park Bag
As a teen, I tend to either overpack or under-pack. I have compiled a list of stuff a teen girl should always have in her Disney park bag (Note: This list is made for a backpack/Drawstring bag. This list is not intended for a fanny pack or a smaller bag, although you could probably fit if you go really small on everything).
Hand sanitizer/wet wipes: There is hand sanitizer everywhere, but nice to have your own on hand!
Floss: You never want a picture taken when you have food in your teeth.
Hair ties: This is an obvious one if it ever gets too hot or your hair is crazy after a ride you can just throw your hair up into a ponytail or bun.
Camera: This is only if you don’t have a phone or if your phone camera is terrible. I usually use my phone camera, so this might not apply to everyone.
Pen and Notebook: This is mainly for the people who love to see the characters and want to get some autographs. Here’s a fair warning, characters can’t sign a part of your body or a tee shirt or any irregular objects (Note: Autographs are currently paused).
Deodorant: This is essential for those hot Disney days. Native makes a super cute tiny one that is almost pocket size!
Perfume or Body Spray: This is again for those hot Disney days when you feel like you just want to clean up and smell good. A roll-on travel size works best.
Portable Phone Charger: Disney does have Fuel Rod replacements at the parks, or bring your own. The app has become such a critical part of the day, you don’t want to run out of battery!
A Small Wallet: This is pretty self explanatory; of course, when you’re in Disney, you want to buy a souvenir. That being said, you can also put your credit card on your app or use Google Pay/Apple Wallet to buy any snacks or souvenirs.
Basic Makeup: By basic makeup, I mean a chapstick, lipstick, or a gloss. Plus powder if its a super hot day or if you just have oily skin.
Band-Aids: We have gone on many Disney trips, and at least once a trip, someone gets a blister or a paper cut. Now, if you happen not to bring band-aids, you can grab some from the first aid center in any of the parks, but a band-aid is nice to have.
Gum: Now, this might be shocking, but no gum is sold anywhere on Disney property, so gum lovers like myself have to bring their own.
Snacks: Waiting in lines for rides can be very long, and it might take a little while to get to a snack. We love to pack little baggies of trail mix or Chex mix, granola bars, and some other small snacks. A little snack can fill you up while you're running to your next lightning lane reservation!
Reusable Water Bottle: Disney has water fountains by bathrooms, so filling up your water bottle is much less expensive than paying five or six dollars for a new bottle of water. Just make sure it’s not glass, or they will ask you to put it back in your car or confiscate it. Pro tip - You can also get ice water for free at any counter service restaurant even if you aren’t eating there.
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Samantha loves all things Disney and all things food! She is a teen blog writer and can be found on Instagram @sparkle_with_sam13.